Development: Quirks

Every character needs them. You can’t have stereotypical, cookie-cutter characters, like the ones you see in so many movies.  I know, what sells, sells. Hollywood won’t change what works. But for you, as a writer, please give your characters their own identities.

This is not to say that characters are born from nothing. Obviously we are inspired by either the people we meet, see and know, or by characters in other media. And when it’s a mixture, they become a beautiful individual.

Sometimes I don’t know why I give certain characteristics to them. One of my main characters doesn’t like almonds. Why? I don’t know, I haven’t asked him. But for whatever reason, there needed to be a food he didn’t like.

I think it’s important to also understand that this falls into the strength and weakness category of developing your character. You may have something as little as not liking a certain food, or having a habit that doesn’t seem to have consequences. But they are results of consequences. Just like the little things that make you who you are have their roots somewhere, so do your character’s little quirks. Even if you don’t know where they came from yet.

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